Easter Message: The Lilac Rose MisteryAnniversary MessageMore messages

Promoção Especial > Festeje a Páscoa na Chapada dos Veadeiros - Alto Paraíso

Easter Message: The Lilac Rose Mistery

Good Friday is a cosmic date. In the planetary ethers there is a giant cross formed of white light, from which center sprouts and gradually grows an immense lilac rose bud, on each Good Friday.

At noon this rose reaches its blossoming peak and, from its core emanates the nectar of Mercy and Compassion. Its sweet perfume embraces the whole planet and each creature. This sweet radiation, which comes from the depth of the Crucified Christ's Heart, blesses, redeems and transforms everything.

In the same manner that, two thousand years ago the Christ was betrayed, criticized, antagonized, judged and condemned, we continue to perform similar atrocities against our Internal Christ and against the Christ existing in our fellow-men.

Crucifixion of our Internal Christ always happens when we trust in the external world, that is, money, remedies, oracles and all kinds of absurdities. It happens when we forget about the total and unique power of our Internal Christ.

As we stop having confidence in life – the Christian spark that lives in us – we believe that: "I am not, I don't have, I cannot, I'm sick etc", thus taking away the power of Divinity that we are, that is complete health and the source of all wisdom, richness and abundance, that is the Lord of our world, our interior master, our guide.

Each thought of separation, of hatred, each word of criticism or judgment is a thorn that we insert in the Christ's head of our fellow-men. Each thought or word of mistrust or condemnation that we utter against someone is one more nail crucifying Christ in that person.

When someone puts fire on the ground, burning and devastating undefended trees and living beings, generous Mother Nature embraces these mistakes with her mantle of compassion and, abundantly sends rain to stop the fire and enables, out of devastation, the germination of beautiful and perfumed flowers.

easter message: The Lilac Rose Mistery

Likewise, out of the planetary ethers where remains the cross, out of the center of the crucified heart, God-Mother provides for the blossoming of this lilac rose that gives away compassion and regeneration to all mankind.

In connection with this Center of Transmutation, each of us can come back to his/her Internal Christ and, with the balsamic action of the lilac rose perfume, take away that pricks and nails and regenerate Christ in us and in each one, giving Him back all love, power, trust and devotion.

Then, on Easter Sunday, all of us can enjoy the Ascension Flame, entering the full consciousness of "I am the Resurrection and Life".

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